Digitize your HR processes in no time with these best-practice templates
Selected HR processes included as best-practice templates in the functional scope of the scdsoft Process Engine.

Digital transformation in HR is essential these days. The integration of self-services into everyday work plays a significant role here, as they can contribute to greater efficiency and convenience. With the scdsoft Process Engine, you not only have the opportunity to digitize various HR processes, but also to significantly increase their speed. As a result, you can save both time and costs to a considerable extent. By using the scdsoft Process Engine, you can optimize your HR processes and focus on the essentials, all in a highly efficient manner.
The advantages of the scdsoft Process Engine at a glance:
- Easy access via SAP Fiori self-services for employees, managers, HR and works councils – on desktop and mobile.
- High flexibility in customizing process definitions and stakeholders for your individual business needs.
- Notifications and automatic document generation keep all stakeholders up to date.
- Data is securely stored within the SAP HCM add-on solution and SAP HCM infotypes are automatically updated.
The scdsoft Process Engine can be seen as a “toolbox” for designing SAP HCM-integrated HR processes. The implemented HR processes can be flexibly designed to meet your customer-specific requirements. With the add-on solution, we have already implemented a wide range of diverse HR processes for our existing customers, from the annual employee development review to the digital work accident form.
Efficient HR workflows from A to Z as best practices – the scdsoft Process Engine optimizes your most important HR processes
In our customer discussions and projects, similar requirements regarding organizational HR processes have come up again and again. Therefore, we have developed an initial set of HR processes as best practices for you. These are HR processes that can be applied to almost any company in a similar way:
• Requesting a change in working hours
• Notification of pregnancy
• Application for parental leave
• Application for secondary employment
• Information about children in the context of the law of care (PUEG)
• Consent to donation of residual cents
By using these ready-made processes (see below), companies can efficiently and smoothly optimize their HR processes, saving time and resources. Final refinements still need to be defined on a company-specific basis for each implementation, yet much of the implementation is already in place through our process design.
Request for change of working hours
This best practice process allows your employees to submit requests for changes to their weekly or daily working hours. With the scdsoft Process Engine, processing such requests becomes fast and smooth to help you ensure efficiency within your organization as well as increase employee satisfaction.
Best practice approach with the scdsoft Process Engine:
• Employee completes the work schedule change request form, indicating the desired work schedule, and submits it to the manager via ESS. Here you have the choice of either giving your employees the option to design their future work schedule entirely themselves or to select from a predefined selection list of possible work schedules (which are read from the SAP HCM system).
• The manager reviews the request, checks the possible feasibility and approves the request.
• After approval by the manager, the request is reviewed and approved by the HR department.
• The new work schedule is then entered in the SAP HCM system by the HR administrator and the change takes effect.

Notification of a pregnancy
Our SAP HCM add-on solution enables uncomplicated, transparent and time-saving notification of a pending pregnancy. With automatic workflows and user-friendly functions, you save time while complying with the legal requirements of the Maternity Protection Act.
Best practice approach with the scdsoft Process Engine:
• The employee reports a pregnancy via ESS including the date of notification as well as the date of delivery. Optionally, a proof can be requested, which the employee has to upload.
• After the notification, a data record is automatically created in IT 0080 (maternity/parental leave) with the entered data.
• Automatic e-mail notification to the manager with the relevant information. Optionally, especially in cases of heavy physical work, there is the possibility for the manager to additionally fill out a questionnaire on compliance with the Maternity Protection Act.
• Manager approves the notification and forwards it to HR.
• HR checks and processes the pregnancy notification and any necessary measures.

Application for parental leave
The digitization of the application for parental leave can be digitized in the best possible way using our scdsoft Process Engine. Users benefit from an intuitive and user-friendly interface while being able to submit all required information correctly, ensuring a smooth application as well as processing.
Best practice approach with the scdsoft Process Engine:
• Employee submits a request for parental leave including parental leave periods via ESS and sends the request to the manager. If required, proof (birth certificate or pregnancy) may be required.
• If records on (already born) children already exist in IT 0021 (see “Creating Children” process), the employee can select the appropriate child from a drop-down list to specify the request.
• The manager receives an automated email with the information, approves the request and forwards it to HR.
• HR then reviews and processes the request.

Application for secondary employment
The scdsoft Process Engine enables a digital process of applying for secondary employment or a trade by your employees.
Best practice approach with the scdsoft Process Engine:
• Employee completes the secondary employment/trade request form via ESS.
• Approval is obtained from both manager and HR via MSS.
• Manager approves the request.
• If approved, it is forwarded to HR, otherwise a rejection email is sent to the employee.
• If HR approves, the employee receives a confirmation letter and the secondary employment is recorded in IT 0329.

Information on children in the context of the Nursing Care Act (PUEG)
In the course of the new Nursing Care Act, which will come into force on 01.07.2023, the number of children of your employees will become relevant. We would like to facilitate the maintenance of the number of children by your employees for you with the scdsoft Process Engine. This is also possible per se in the SAP standard app “My personal data” for your employees, but cannot subsequently be checked by HR.
Best practice approach with the scdsoft Process Engine:
• Your employees can enter the relevant information about their children via ESS and also upload proof (filing in e-file possible).
• HR checks the data entry.
• After release by HR, the relevant information can be stored in SAP HCM infotype 0021 (Family/Related Persons).
• Entries in IT0021 are taken into account accordingly in SAP HCM Payroll for the employee contribution rate.

Consent to the donation of remainder cents
At a time when social responsibility and sustainable action are increasingly in the spotlight, the donation of leftover cents is gaining in importance as an innovative option for corporate social responsibility (CSR). The scdsoft Process Engine offers your employees a simple yet automated way to give their consent to participate in the donation of leftover cents.
Best practice approach with the scdsoft Process Engine:
• Your employees can conveniently give their consent to participate in the donation of residual cents via ESS.
• The consent is effective with the next payroll run.
• An entry is then created in infotype 0014, which processes the wage type for the donation of remainder cents.
• The consent can be revoked at any time.

Digitize and automate HR processes with the scdsoft Process Engine.
The scdsoft Process Engine is thus the ideal solution for companies that want to lead their HR department into the digital future. Thanks to its many options for simplifying and accelerating your HR processes, it not only enables significant time and cost savings, but also increases employee satisfaction – a crucial factor for the long-term success of your company.
Our solution offers you a wide range of diverse functions that are individually tailored to the needs of your company.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or if you are interested in a live demo!